Local News from All Over

AfricaAsia EuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth AmericaAfrica Shell GameOne of the few positives to come out of the BP gusher is a sudden awareness of the impact of offshore drilling throughout the rest...


Awfully Beautiful

David Maisel


Don’t Be Such a Scientist

by Randy Olson
216 pages, Island Press, 2009


Who’s in Charge Here?

In late July, as the Eastern Seaboard sweated through the second punishing heat wave of a restless summer, it was difficult to know which was the worse environmental disaster: the just-barely-containe...

Jason Mark

Notes from a Warming World

Value PropositionWhich is more valuable: a country or an economy? Such was the existential question posed by a recent UN vote. The Association of Small Island States (AOSIS), a consortium of low-lying...


Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson

Paul Watson doesn’t care what you think. The captain of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been putting himself between whales and harpoon ships for more than 30 years, preventing the kil...


Schneider’s Last Stand

Science as a Contact Sport
by Stephen Schneider, PhD
290 pages, National Geographic Books, 2010

Amy Westervelt

We Are All Louisianans

About 7,000 years ago, global sea levels stabilized and the Mississippi River began creating a broad delta at the southern edge of North America. Over millennia, mud from the Missouri River, Ohio Rive...

Jason Mark

“Ecocide”: The Fifth War Crime?

“What does it matter to us? Look away if it makes you sick.” — Heinrich Himmler, in response to outrage about Auschwitz That quote appeared at the top of an article in the Summ...

Gar Smith

Not a Square to Spare

Toilet paper, it turns out, grows on trees

Noelle Robbins

Leave the Leaves

Leaves are one of nature’s most miraculous creations. They tie it all together. They rise from the ground, reach to the sky, and bring life to the earth. Leaves do many good things – manuf...

Shepherd Bliss

No Comment

Despite a flood of information about the Gulf spill, there’s very little understanding of its impacts.

Elizabeth Grossman

Announcing the 2010 BYA Winners!

Save the Date!


Got a Light?

Deserts vs. Big Solar


Forests Forever

Environmentalists and Logging Companies in Canada Recently Inked One of the Biggest Conservation Agreements in History. Can the Deal Stick?

Christopher Pala

Hide and Leak

BP’s Cleanup Is More Like a Cover up. Holding the Company Accountable Will Require Digging for the Truth.

Riki Ott

Sustainable World Coalition

Required Reading


Solar Belongs on Rooftops

David Myers has spent 33 years as the head of various California land conservation organizations. For the past 16 years, he has been the Executive Director of The Wildlands Conservancy, which owns Cal...

David Myers

Night Vision

A writer takes a journey into the dark and finds that there is a lot to see

Christopher Ketcham

Letters & E-mails

A Question of EthicsI read with interest your list of countries viewed as ethical tourism destinations (“Ethical Traveler,” Spring). But given the issue of climate change and the vast amou...


Project Survival Media

Local Solutions

Madeline Kovacs

To Fight Big Pollution, We Need Big Solar

As spokesperson for the Solar Energy Industries Association, the nonprofit national trade association of the solar industry, Monique Hanis represents 1,000 companies across the solar supply chain. Han...

Monique Hanis

From Grand Bargain to Devil’s Bargain

How the BP Disaster Sank the Climate Bill

RIchard Graves

Disaster in Another Language

The Oil Spill May Hit the Gulf’s Vietnamese Community Hardest

Elizabeth Grossman and Jason Mark

New Earth Island Projects

Earth Island Institute is proud to announce these new projects… Sustainable Alliance of Nature and Design @ Ocean Beach (SAND@OB)The purpose of SAND@OB is to preserve San Francisco’s ...


Crude World

By Peter Maas
288 pages, Knopf, 2009

Chris Milton

Web of Destruction


Amy Westervelt and Innosanto Nagara

International Marine Mammal Project

The Cove Spurs Free-Speech Dialogue in Japan; IWC Spares Whaling Moratorium

Mark J. Palmer

Who’s Going to Clean Up This Mess?

3 Films

Amy Westervelt

The Bioplastic Labyrinth

Project Report: Plastic Pollution Coalition
