Take the ecoterror litmus test

When I heard that Colorado Representative Scott McInnis, who heads theHouse Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, was turning hisattention to “ecoterrorists” in the wake of 9/11, I br...

Chris Clarke

Green and blue

I remarked to a friend that on Sunday mornings my wife and I listen to NPR’s environmental program Living on Earth. “My, what a cheerful way to start a week” he quipped. Environmenta...

Randy Cunningham

Ecotourism in Yunnan

Yunnan Province in southern China has been called China’s newShangri-La. The region contains one of Asia’s last untouched forests,where three of Asia’s mightiest rivers - the Yangtze...

Fay Crevoshay

The Post-Corporate World

by David Korten reviewed by Scott London The Post-Corporate World: Life after Capitalism by David Korten Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2000 In this trenchant critique of global econom...

Scott London

Keepers of the door

I find much to be happy about, living in these times. Our unparalleledinstant access to information about everything and every idea; the easeof travel to beautiful places; the closeness of friendships...

Brock Evans

Bush bashes climate report

A report on climate change was released by the US EnvironmentalProtection Agency in early June, prompting criticism from the US energyindustry and a hasty disavowal of the document by George W. Bush. ...

Chris Clarke

Local News from All Over

Become a Journal International Correspondent Earth Island Journal is building a worldwide network of correspondentsto report local environmental news from their area and verify breakingnews reports ...

EI Staff

Environmental Events

-North America- Urban Agriculture Workshop August 30 - September 1, 2002 Goleta, California This weekend workshop will provide training on how to acquire land,capitalize, set up, grow an...

EI Staff

Singing under oath

The Edge

Gar Smith

Alberta oil extraction hurts native people

Boreal Footprint Project The most gripping fact about the business of extracting oil from thesands of northeastern Alberta is that no one seems to know how bad itis going to be for the boreal fores...

Craig Campbell and Emilia Kennedy


Math is HardI am a public interest low-level toxin researcher with an undergraduate degree in physiological biochemistry. Recently I saw, in two different publications, statements to the effect that n...

EI Staff

The promise of the commons


Jonathan Rowe

Restoring the Sonoran pronghorn


Ben Ikenson

International Marine Mammal Project

Whalewatching takes off in Iceland

Asbjorn Bjorgvinsson

Big Changes at Earth Island Journal

Dear Readers, There are exciting new developments afoot at Earth Island Journal. First, after more than 15 years at the helm of the Journal, Gar Smithhas assumed new duties as Earth Island Institu...

Dave Phillips, John Knox, and Chris Clarke

Oil and the Bush Administration


Mark J. Palmer

Jury awards Bari, Cherney $4.4 million

Oakland, CA, June 11 - The jury in Bari v. FBI has awarded plaintiffs $4.4 million for violation of the activists’constitutional rights and returned a verdict largely in favor of EarthFirst! act...

EI Staff

International Marine Mammal Project

IMMP in Colombia

Maria Claudia Diazgranados

Making Waves: EII in the News

A Nautilus for Climate Solutions Climate Solutions authors Guy Dauncey and Patrick Mazza,and their publishing house New Society Publishers won the covetedNautilus Award at the New York Book Expo in ...

EI Staff

2002 Goldman Prizes awarded

Goldman Environmental Prize winners

EI Staff

DOE drops plutonium transport plan

Livermore, CA - Tri-Valley Communities Against a RadioactiveEnvironment (CAREs) announced a significant victory May 17 in itsefforts to keep plutonium in uncertified DT-22 canisters off UShighways. ...

EI Staff

International Marine Mammal Project

Keiko progresses to freedom in Iceland

Mark Berman

The lesser evil

A few years ago, a pregnant woman came to see me in clinic. She workedin a laboratory where she was exposed to a chemical solvent. She wantedto know whether the chemical might harm her fetus. A search...

Gina Solomon

Draining the life from the land

Mining and indigenous people

Brad Miller

What’s wrong with cynicism

A few years ago, Taco Bell took out ads in USA Today and other major newspapers. The fast-food company had bought theLiberty Bell, the ad explained, and would now call it the Taco LibertyBell. The bel...

Paul Rogat Loeb

International Marine Mammal Project

Scientists speak out for dolphins

Mark J. Palmer

PETA says no to testing

Doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results isthe classic definition of insanity. It is therefore quite dishearteningto hear the clamor by some environmental organizations for...

Jessica Sandler

African sisters


Nicola Swinburne

Paradise traded for Canadian nickel

The sleepy village of Goro lies on the southeastern coast of GrandeTerre, the main island of the French “overseas community” of NewCaledonia. Goro’s few hundred residents look out ac...

Joe Eaton

World Sustainability Hearings

US Mask Slips in Bali

Kelly Jones