Degradation Continues in China’s Mangroves

Mangrove Action Project Professor Han (second from left) and MAP director Alfredo Quarto (far right) in a replanted mangrove. ©Jim EnrightOver1,200 sites are designated by the Ramsar Conventio...

EI Staff

Environmentalists respond to AIDS*

Earth Island Project battles the disease by encouraging small-scale, healthy farming

Chris Clarke

California Rewriting Wastewater Rules

Hydro Nova Nearly 1.5 million California households live in areas without accessto public sewers, and rely on septic systems to dispose of water usedin their homes. However septic systems can and d...

Bob Feinbaum

EPA lets Florida taint drinking water

© www.arttoday.comBeforeEPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman resigned from her office, shehad decided to sign off on a rule-making decision drawn up by EPA wateradministrators declaring Flori...

Donald Sutherland

The search for truth

In our previous issue, I related the story of one Micah Spradling, whosued Dr. Michael Dini of Texas Tech for requiring a student to acceptevolutionary theory before receiving a letter of recommendati...

Chris Clarke

BAWT Launches New Program

Bay Area Wilderness Training BAWT launches new program The Youth Wilderness Leadership Training will provide under-served andat-risk youth with opportunities to develop skills that will strength...

EI Staff

Breathless in Harlem

Taylor and her cousin, two of more than 500 neighborhood kids with asthma. © Michael MisnerSomethingis taking kids’ breath away in a pocket-sized neighborhood in New YorkCity, and the prima...

Michael Misner


Six-month-old fish letters Thanks to David Helvarg for his piece “The Last Fish.” (Spring 2003 EIJ)It’s an old story, but his overview of government and privatemismanagement of ...

EI Staff

Challenging the EPA Fertilizer Rule


Jim HightowerUntilmaybe 10 or 15 years ago, few Americans were paying much attention tofood beyond its price. We’d become a thoroughly urban nation, more intouch with McDonald’s than Old M...

Jim Hightower

Everybody’s got a story

Courtesy gary cookgarycook, director of Earth Island’s Baikal Watch project, is fluent inseveral languages, including Russian, acquired during a childhood spentliving abroad. An educated man, co...

Audrey Webb

Project to Document Endangered S. California Wildlands

Faultline Media Project Project will document the “last best Southern California wildlands” California’s largest privately owned open space is on the chopping block. Rugge...

EI Staff

Yggdrasil Institute

Yggrasil Institute In 1994, Mary Byrd Davis founded Yggdrasil Institute to consolidate,continue, and expand her work centering on nuclear issues. Yggdrasil iscurrently working extensively with the ...

EI Staff

International Marine Mammal Project

Congress Passes Conflicting Military Exemptions - Plus Court Blocks Bush's Dolphin Safe Label, Six Flags Fails to Get Orca, and Maui Bans Captive Cetacean Displays

Becky A. Dayhuff

The end of the oil age

Philippe Ames, © The atrocities of September 11, 2001 so dominated world news, politics,military affairs, and the economy that popular discussion soon dividedall of recent...

Richard Heinberg

End-runs Around the Enrons

Grassroots Globalization Network End-runs around the Enrons As job losses rise, economic inequality worsens, and corruptiondeepens, democracy itself now seems to be caught in the crosshairs. ...

Aaron G. Lehmer

Alaska: oil and the Natives

Though visually stunning, Alaska is the fourth most polluted state in the country. ©www.arttoday.comIt’s 14 years since the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. The oil industry still drives t...

Winona Laduke

2003 Brower Youth Awards Winners Announced

Six Young Environmental Leaders to Receive $3,000 Each

EI Staff

A sustainable energy plan for the US

© www.arttoday.comEverymorning when we rise, we flick on the lights and various electricalappliances before we drive or cycle off to work, school, or play.Somewhere far away, trucks haul coal int...

Guy Dauncey