Earth Island Project battles the disease by encouraging small-scale, healthy farming
Chris Clarke
California Rewriting Wastewater Rules
Hydro Nova
Nearly 1.5 million California households live in areas without accessto public sewers, and rely on septic systems to dispose of water usedin their homes. However septic systems can and d...
In our previous issue, I related the story of one Micah Spradling, whosued Dr. Michael Dini of Texas Tech for requiring a student to acceptevolutionary theory before receiving a letter of recommendati...
Chris Clarke
BAWT Launches New Program
Bay Area Wilderness Training
BAWT launches new program
The Youth Wilderness Leadership Training will provide under-served andat-risk youth with opportunities to develop skills that will strength...
Six-month-old fish letters
Thanks to David Helvarg for his piece “The Last Fish.” (Spring 2003 EIJ)It’s an old story, but his overview of government and privatemismanagement of ...
EI Staff
Challenging the EPA Fertilizer Rule
Jim HightowerUntilmaybe 10 or 15 years ago, few Americans were paying much attention tofood beyond its price. We’d become a thoroughly urban nation, more intouch with McDonald’s than Old M...
Jim Hightower
Everybody’s got a story
Courtesy gary cookgarycook, director of Earth Island’s Baikal Watch project, is fluent inseveral languages, including Russian, acquired during a childhood spentliving abroad. An educated man, co...
Audrey Webb
Project to Document Endangered S. California Wildlands
Faultline Media Project
Project will document the “last best Southern California wildlands”
California’s largest privately owned open space is on the chopping block.
EI Staff
Yggdrasil Institute
Yggrasil Institute
In 1994, Mary Byrd Davis founded Yggdrasil Institute to consolidate,continue, and expand her work centering on nuclear issues. Yggdrasil iscurrently working extensively with the ...
EI Staff
International Marine Mammal Project
Congress Passes Conflicting Military Exemptions - Plus Court Blocks Bush's Dolphin Safe Label, Six Flags Fails to Get Orca, and Maui Bans Captive Cetacean Displays
Grassroots Globalization Network
End-runs around the Enrons
As job losses rise, economic inequality worsens, and corruptiondeepens, democracy itself now seems to be caught in the crosshairs.