International Marine Mammal Project

Since 1982, the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) has been a global leader in protecting whales and dolphins and their ocean habitats. IMMP pioneered the Dolphin Safe tuna fishing standard, stopping the intentional chasing and netting of dolphins by many tuna companies and preventing tens of thousands of dolphin deaths annually. IMMP directed the historic rescue and release of the orca whale Keiko, made famous in the movie Free Willy, and is fighting to end the tragic slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan, as featured in the Academy Award–winning film The Cove. In addition, IMMP continues its ongoing campaigns to stop all trade in live dolphins and whales; to end the captivity of whales and dolphins for circus performances; and to fight pollution and plastics in the ocean, particularly the entanglement of marine life in fishing gear.

Location: Berkeley, California

stylized dolphin leaping, words: Earth Island Institute

Director(s): David Phillips
Address: c/o Earth Island Institute, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704