Cat Fight
Cougars have made a comeback. But conflicts with humans are on the rise, putting their fate in jeopardy.
Noah Marcel Sudarsky

Feature Articles

Fairway to Heaven

Exploring the abandoned golf courses of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Jacques Leslie Robert Dawson

Home on the Range

On the Alberta Prairie, Ranchers Are Finding Ways to Coexist with the Grizzlies in their Midst

Ben Goldfarb

Seed Savior

In India, One Man Is Keeping Alive Hundreds of Varieties of Heirloom Rice


Trouble in Paradise

Hawaiians Push Back Against Big Ag

Maureen Nandini Mitra

To Our Readers

A Hopeful Tail

One afternoon last summer I was hiking in the hills above Berkeley, California with a friend and talking – as it just so happened – about the nature of wildness when my companion stopped and point...

Jason Mark


Environment vs Equity. A Fake Choice

As he begins his last few years in office, President Obama is finally addressing the worsening inequality in this country. In his State of the Union speech, he declared: “Inequality has deepened. Up...

Annie Leonard

Earth Island Reports

Bay Localize Internships

Helping Youth Map Their Future as Leaders

Corrine Van Hook

Sustainable World Coalition 2014

We’re All in this Together

Vinit Allen and Steve Motenko


The Killing Fields
A federal agency, shrouded in mystery and free of accountability, that exists for the sole purpose of killing hundreds of thousands of wild animals each year? Such an agency couldn’t operate in the ...
Zoe Loftus-Farren

1000 Words

Portrait of a Landscape

Camille Seaman

Journal Staff


Jamie Williams

Of all the legislation passed by the US Congress, the Wilderness Act of 1964 is among the most eloquent. The law is distinguished by its poetic definition of a wild place: “A wilderness, in contrast...

Journal Staff


Are There Limits to Limits?

It’s a debate that’s been with us at least since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution: Is economic growth sustainable, or at some point will we run up against resource scarcities? In its crudest ...

Journal Staff

In Review

Numbers Game?

Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?
By Alan Weisman
Little Brown, 2013, 513 pages


Kick Waste Off Campus

Every spring, college campuses across the country are faced with a deluge of waste as students moving out for the summer discard thousands of unwanted items. Furniture, electronics, school supplies, c...

Alex Freid and Brett Chamberlin

Talking Points

Local News from All Over : Spring 2014

Around the World

Journal Staff

Four Wheels Bad, Two Wheels Good

Some good news: Bicycling is hot. In many cities, a bike is a must-have accessory for hipsters, while in the ‘burbs spandex-clad weekend warriors rule the roads as they imitate the Tour de France. M...

Notes from a Warming World : Spring 2014

Temperature Gauge

Journal Staff