On the Edge
Activists are holding the line against a massive coal mine that is swallowing villages and slowing down Germany’s energy transition.
Paul Krantz and Leonard Frick

Feature Articles

Standoff in Patagonia

The Mapuche’s struggle for cultural survival is being met with increasing violence by the Argentine State.

Denali DeGraf

Losing Arapaho

In search of Colorado’s last alpine glacier.

Quentin Septer

Epidemic on the Reef

A rapidly spreading disease threatens to wipe out Puerto Rico’s corals.

Natasha Mmonatau Art by Alex Lebron

When Home is on Fraying Land

In Kenya’s Yala Swamp, periodic floods have become permanent, threatening the traditional way of life of thousands of wetland dwellers.

by Kang-Chun Cheng and Federica Marsi Images by Kang-Chun Cheng

To Our Readers

Finding Rootedness

Is it possible to find the grounding most of us seek in today’s hyper-mobile world?

Maureen Nandini Mitra

The Long Game

The Other End of the Light

Looking for everyday mystery and magic in the living world.

Carolyn Finney

Earth Island Reports

Centering Culture in Solar Energy

In Northern Ghana, a social enterprise is integrating history, tradition, and artistic expression into solar expansion.

Dena Montague

Composting Inequity

Communal urban agriculture is a powerful tool for building climate resilient cities, growing equitable food systems, and healing a fractured society.

Jack Thomas

1000 Words

Saying It With Flowers

Rebecca Louise Law's floral installations offer a message about putting time back into creating art with things we already have.

Zoe Loftus-Farren


Growing Power

Fenceline communities and POC activists still have a hard time having their ideas taken seriously, says Doria Robinson.

Kate B. Littleboy

In Review

Life Lessons From Thoreau

In Review: Now Comes Good Sailing: Writers Reflect on Henry David Thoreau

Austin Price

A Wandering Life

In Review: Was It Worth It? A Wilderness Warrior’s Long Trail Home

Michael Engelhard


Next Station: Fighting Climate Change

Fighting for better public transit also means fighting for a healthy planet to continue calling home.

Peter Pham

Talking Points

Talking Points: Spring 2022

News in Brief

Journal Staff