Earth Island project reports

Earth Island’s newest project, The True Food Network,is a consumer network dedicated to ending the genetic engineering ofour food and promoting a socially just, democratic, and sustainablefood system...

EI Staff

Everyone’s got a story

Sharon Negri

Lisa Katayama

Killer Wind

Carl Dennis BuellThe wind turbines of Altamont Pass, blades glinting in the afternoonsun, have become a welcome signpost of home for me over the years. Asthe plane I’m on begins its descent into...

Joe Eaton

International Marine Mammal Project

$40,000 for falsely labeled “Dolphin Safe” tuna

EI Staff

Local News from All Over

AfricaDouble-edged DDT The tropical person’s traditional foe. The Ugandan government is planning to use DDT to kill mosquitos thatcarry malaria, a disease afflicting two million people glo...

EI Staff

Bushed Again

What Can We Expect in the Next Four Years?

Chris Clarke

Ethical Traveler

New hope for Australia’s old-growth forests

— Michael McColl


We like you too, Bill I wish with all my heart I was the other Bill Gates for one week! A week where I would support you and all environmental and social causes – their needs with his billions! – t...

EI Staff

The spraying of America

American agriculture dumps a billion pounds of pesticides on food, producing a truly toxic harvest

Christopher D. Cook

West Africa Rainforest Network

Victory for Africa’s Forests Nigeriais well known for its oil-producing region of the Niger Delta, whichcurrently feeds a large portion of America’s oil addiction. Roughly thesize of Texas, Nige...

EI Staff

Post-election map

Sincethe election, I’ve seen a lot of so-called “progressives” sayingincredibly insulting things about people in the “red states”... peoplewho live in states that went to...

Chris Clarke

Wangari Maathai - an excerpt from the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s acceptance speech

As the first African woman to receive this prize, I accept it on behalfof the people of Kenya and Africa and indeed the whole world. Althoughthis prize comes to me, it acknowledges the work of countle...

Wangari Maathai

UniversitÁrea Protegida

In October 2004, UÁP completed its first two Expansion Through Exposure (ETE) trips. The ETEprogram is designed to give Nicaraguan youth the opportunity to learnabout the biodiversity and cultu...

Michael Waugh

A day in the sun for moon bears

Ina bamboo forest along the Pi River, Jill Robinson holds out a fingerdipped in honey. The sun peeks through the canopy, illuminating a rustycage. Tentatively, a tongue reaches through the bars. “And...

Lisa Owens-Viani

Center for Safe Energy

Protecting the Altai

Susan Cutting

Mordechai Vanunu arrested again

Itwas a few minutes before noon in East Jerusalem, and Mordechai Vanunu,the courageous man who blew the whistle on Israel’s nuclear arsenalnearly two decades ago and became a hero to peace activists ...

Bryan Goebel

Mangrove Action Project

Whenthe Zhangjiang Guolin Aquatic Products Company, an international shrimpfarmer and exporter, opened shop along the tranquil coastline of theLeizhou Peninsula in the southern Chinese province of Gua...

— Lisa Katayama

The Mauna Loa anomaly

GeorgeBush is President. That’s the bad news. The good news, at least fromthe point of view of climate aficionados, is that with Russia’s recentratification, the Kyoto Protocol is about to enter int...

Tom Athanasiou

Bay Area Wilderness Training

When I began Bay Area Wilderness Training (BAWT) in 1997, I knew very little about David Brower. I did know,however, that my connection to the outdoors was what grounded myconcern for the environment....

— Kyle MacDonald