Crude Conundrum
Canada’s Tar Sands Are Dirty, Dangerous … and Managed by Awfully Nice Folks. Does that Make them Ethically Just?
Jason Mark

Feature Articles

Not a Pretty Picture

More than 500 cosmetics sold in the United States contain chemicals banned from beauty products in Europe, Canada, and Japan.
A proposed law aims to change that.

Noelle Robbins

Riding the Long Wave

A writer paddles the Salish Sea and ponders the impacts of our society’s short attention span.

Kurt Hoelting

Tunnel Vision

Oil companies are determined to build two massive new pipelines to transport crude from the tar sands. Local activists, concerned about spills and water quality, have geared up to fight them.

Ron Johnson

To Our Readers

Don’t Blame Canada

I’ve always been surprised that so many environmentalists, typically found on the political left, are such stalwart believers in the conservative doctrine of supply-side economics. For proof, jus...

Jason Mark

Earth Island Reports

Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters: Spring 2011

Save the Whales! … And the Frogs and Fish!

Gershon Cohen

Sacred Land Film Project: Spring 2011

Notes from Hallowed Ground

Christopher McLeod

International Marine Mammal Project: Spring 2011

Sting Supports the Dolphins

Mark J Palmer

Brower Youth Awards: Spring 2011

New Book Offers a Roadmap for Change Makers

Journal Staff

Information Recycled, Reused, and Improved

Project Report: Plastic Pollution Coalition

Journal Staff

Serengeti Watch: Spring 2011

Safeguarding the Great Migration

Journal Staff

New Projects: Spring 2011

Earth Island Institute welcomes two more new projects to our ever-growing family. Changing Gears Bike ShopChanging Gears offers used bicycle sales, full-service repairs, paid job training for forme...

Journal Staff

1000 Words

Chris Jordan

Running the Numbers

Journal Staff


Fighting Spirit
Beaver Lake Cree vs. tar sands
Jocelyn Edwards
After the Gold Rush?
With its sprawl and its strip malls, Ft. Mac could be almost anywhere, another place built by and for the petrol-auto-industrial complex.
Jason Mark
New Frontiers for Black Gold
Extracting oil from tar sands is technically difficult, environmentally destructive, and expensive. It’s also lucrative.
Ron Johnson
Caution: Wide Load
Fighting Goliath
Gabriel Furshong


Janine Benyus

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature

Amy Westervelt

In Review

Drowning Academic Freedom

Troubled Waters: A Mississippi River Story
Written, Produced, and Directed by Larkin McPhee

Jacob Wheeler

Movements Beyond Movements

Journal Bookshelf

Jason Mark

Can’t Find My Way Home

You Are Here: Why We Can Find Our Way to the Moon, but Get Lost in the Mall
by Colin Ellard
336 pages, Doubleday, 2009

Adam Federman

A Child of Dystopia Reads Ecotopia

Ecotopia: The Novel of Your Future
by Ernest Callenbach
181 pages, Bantam New Age Book, 1975

Brian Smith


Still Crazy After All These Years

It was 35 years ago that I learned, first-hand, about the negative externalities of American driving. My friend and boss, Lonnie Light, and I were working in the West Texas oil patch when we had to go...

Randy Salzman

Talking Points

Local News from All Over: Spring 2011

Around the World

Journal Staff

Notes from a Warming World: Spring 2011

Temperature Gauge

Journal Staff

Fluoride, Toothpaste and the A-Bomb


Gar Smith


Gas Attack? … Or Friendly Fire?

At first, some environmentalists saw the natural gas boom as a way to promote a relatively carbon-light “bridge fuel” that would take us from dirty coal to clean renewables. Then concerns surfaced...

Journal Staff

Ally Renewables with Natural Gas

We must make significant cuts in the carbon emissions today – and natural gas offers the fastest way to do that

Richard Ward

Natural Gas: A Bridge to Nowhere

Natural gas is nothing but a bridge to more natural gas – and with it more water contamination, air pollution, global warming, and fractured communities

Jennifer Krill