Everybody’s got a story

Todd Steiner has devoted his life to saving aquatic creatures. Perhapsthe secret to his success is that he knows what it’s like to swimupstream. The founder of the Sea Turtle Restoration Project...

Audrey Webb

EII’s Mangrove Action Project Ecotour to Sri Lanka and Thailand

Aftermore than 20 years of civil war, Sri Lanka is at long last enjoyingpeace. From the steep fertile fields of tea plantations in themountains to the untouched coastal beaches sprawled around its bor...

EI Staff

The unbroken circle

Themoonless night was so dark I could hardly distinguish the outlines ofour guides as we approached the village. Light from cooking firesinside thatched huts sent figures dancing on the walls. As we w...

Philip M. Klasky

International Marine Mammal Project

Bush administration declares war on whales

Mark J. Palmer, Ric O'Barry, and Will Anderson

In Review

The Activist’s Handbook: A Primer Randy Shaw, University of California Press (2001), $19.95 (list) In an age of escalating human need, The Activist’s Handbook is an invaluable t...

Audrey Webb and Piers Moore Ede

Bush’s bizarre science

Nathan Walker, www.nathanwalker.net Duringhis presidential campaign, George W. Bush said he supportedenvironmental policies that were “based on sound science.” If you’rewondering ...

Chris Clarke

Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters

Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters Say “bon voyage” to the buffet line The recent boom in passenger and crew numbers coupled with the tightquarters and sanitation problems ...

Gershon Cohen

Wild wetlands of New York and True Grits

The largest urban wildlife preserve in the country at 13,000 acres,Jamaica Bay is the natural transition between land and sea, wherehundreds of species of birds, fish, and other wildlife eat, rest, ne...

Michael Misner and Audrey Webb

Dead Heat

Credit: Nathan Walker, www.nathanwalker.netSevereclimate change—and with it chains of storms, floods, heat waves,droughts, and even cold snaps—is now virtually inevitable, and willbring wi...

Tom Athanasiou and Paul Baer

Center for Safe Energy

Center for Safe Energy At a ceremony in St. Petersburg, Russia on October 3, 2002, Fran Macy,co-director of the Center for Safe Energy, was named the co-recipientof the Nuclear Free Future Lifetime...

Audrey Webb


The tide is rising, and the world is coming to your front door.

Ray Dasmann

Note from the editor

By the time you read this, the war may be over. Or it may be turninginto a protracted, ugly conflict, with house-to-house fighting,biological and chemical weapon use, and heavy casualties amongcombata...

Chris Clarke

Earth Island Project Reports

Hazardous wastes are routinely converted into fertilizer, which is thenused on farms, lawns, and gardens, contaminating our air, soil, water,and food. These wastes, containing lead, arsenic, mercury, ...

EI Staff

Helvarg spawns a reply

David Helvarg’s “The Last Fish” (Spring ‘03 EIJ)is pretty accurate, but he seems to attribute the disappearance of boththe Atlantic and Pacific salmon to dams. A study of the s...

EI Staff

Climate Solutions to become independent

Bob Wilkinson, president of Earth Island Institute, and Paul Horton andRhys Roth, co-directors of Climate Solutions, have announced thatClimate Solutions will become independent of Earth Island Instit...

EI Staff

Local News from All Over

AFRICA No chimp, thanks Bush meat vendors in Ouesso, a city in the Republic of Congo, reportthat an Ebola outbreak raging through the area has changed people’seating patterns. Ebola, a viral...

EI Staff

Ecotourism Guide Intro and Table of Contents

The Summer 2003 issue of Earth Island Journal contains an eight-page Ecotourism Guide, which will provide you withinformation about what sustainable tourism means, and how you can be amore responsible...

EI Staff

Readers survey

We wanted to share with readers some of the highs and lows of the reader survey we included in the Autumn 2002 issue of Earth Island Journal. By our deadline of July 1, we had received 328 completed p...

Nicola Swinburne

Suggested Reading

A Trip Too Far: Ecotourism, Politics & Exploitation, by Rosaleen Duffy, Earthscan Publications Lt., 2002 Highly academic and heavily annotated, A Trip Too Far willgive you just cause to ...

EI Staff