Brower Youth Awards

John Quigley/Spectral QStep It Up supporters asked Congress to cut carbon emissions.Since 2000, Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth Awards (BYA) has recognized and supported 43 young leaders f...

Sharon Smith

Si Se Puede

Latino organizations focus on the environment.

Nate Springer

The Fiji Organic Project

It’sa big deal when you get the Minister of Finance, the person holding thepurse strings for the entire country, to open a meeting. It’s an evenbigger deal to have him announce that the co...

Molly Rockamann

Green Green Water

Emergence Pictures, 2006

Audrey Webb

Journalism with a Purpose

Ten years ago this June, I moved to San Francisco. I came here for a job (OK – an internship) at The San Francisco Bay Guardian,the city’s oldest alternative weekly. It was an exciting opp...

Jason Mark

Eco Tipping Points

How a vicious cycle can become virtuous

Amanda Suutari and Gerald Marten

Food Fight: The Citizen’s Guide to a Food and Farm Bill

by Daniel Imhoff. 136 pages, paperback. University of California Press, Berkeley, 2007. “What’sfor dinner?” It’s an everyday question, and one that usually carries astraight...

Jason Mark

Local News from All Over

AfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth AmericaAFRICANot So SweetMembersof Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s own political party are opposinghis plan to raze a swath of rainforest for a suga...

EI Staff

Oil and Water

The Arctic seas face irreversible damage

Elise Wolf

What does Green Mean?

Thesocial command and activist mantra “Be Green” is loaded with deceptiveconnotations. I believe that the establishment of a truly just andsustainable society will require each and every o...

Meleah Houseknecht

Earth Island Project Reports

Isthe melamine contamination found in pet food an isolated event orevidence of a larger problem? (See our story on page 48.) Are organicfertilizers really less toxic than synthetic fertilizers? Are he...

EI Staff

Building on the Land Ethic in the 21st Century

The loving legacy of Aldo Leopold

AmyLou Jenkins

Safe Food and Fertilizer

Rememberwhen cancer was a disease that very few people contracted? Or when theoutcome of a pregnancy was almost certainly a healthy baby? In1985, six months after the birth of my daughter, my fathe...

Patty Martin

Stone’s Throw

Highin the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, on a small island ofgreen above a desert of rock and mud, a man in blue jean overallswanders throughan overgrown cemetery and struggles to contain hi...

Bill Kovarik

International Marine Mammal Project

Spreading the news

Mark J. Palmer

Restoring Salmon Nation

Demolishing dams on the Klamath River

Laurel Peña

UniversitÁrea Protegida (UÁP)

TheTisey-Estanzuela natural reserve in northern Nicaragua is one of thefew areas in the country where resources are managed by both thegovernment and local residents. The reserve is home to eightagric...

Olin Cohan

Everyone has a story

Martha Davis

Audrey Webb

What’s Killing Our Pets?

The government is failing to adequately inspect the ingredients in pet food.

Ann Martin