
Home-grown Solar EnergyAstroPower is the only solar electric company in the US that has not yet been taken over by a giant oil company. AstroPower’s systems run everything from golf carts in N...

EI Staff

Monsanto and the Mustard Seed

The Monsanto Roundup–The ‘Mustard Oil Conspiracy’

Vandana Shiva

International Marine Mammal Project

“No Sanctuary for Whales” as Vote-buying Scandal Rocks Whaling Commission

EI Staff

Physician, Wheel Thyself!

Pedaling the Cure

R. E. Williams, M.D.

Monsanto and the ‘Drug War’

The Monsanto Roundup–Toxic drift in Colombia

Jeremy Bigwood

International Marine Mammal Project

Dolphin Swim Centers Under Fire

Angel Hererra

Why Are Some Trade Agreements ‘Greener’ than Others?

NAFTA versus the European Union

Veena Dubal, Jung Lah, Ian Monroe, Martha Roberts

Depleted Uranium’s Legacy

The ravages of radiation are targeting a second generation

EI Staff

Clean Energy for Crimea

Climate Solutions Simferopol, Ukraine (April 23, 2001) – I’m in a sunny cafeteria, where a few young women are chattering in a Slavic tongue over cheery English pop music echoing from ...

Rhys Roth

Local News from All Over

“We are no longer writing the rules ofinteraction among separate national economies. We are writing theconstitution of a single global economy.” - Roberto Ruggiero, Former Director of ...

EI Staff

Why We ‘Ransacked’ McDonald’s

Book excerpt: The World Is Not For Sale

José Bové

Bluewater Battles Bush‘s Rollbacks

Bluewater Network Updates

Anne McCaw

International Marine Mammal Project

‘Dolphin-Safe’ Label Victory

Mark J. Palmer

Trade Secrets: The Inside Story

Industry's incriminating internal memos are now online!

EI Staff

A Biological Apocalypse Averted

Book Excerpt: The Food Revolution

John Robbins

Up in Smoke


Ray Mwareya


Calling Jimmy CarterMother’s Alert [www.] is circulating the following notarized statement by Jane Rickover, daughter-in-law of Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the “father&rd...

EI Staff

The Globalization of Repression: A Special Report to the European Parliament

Censored Stories: ‘The Technologies of Political Control’

EI Staff

International Marine Mammal Project

To Free a Dolphin

Magali Rey Rosa

Making Waves: EII in the News

The Borneo Project was instrumental in a High Court victory in Sarawak, a Malaysian state on the island of Borneo. The court ruled that the Iban villagers of Rumah Nor had customary rights to the r...

EI Staff

Uncovering the FBI Bomb School

Was Judi Bari the Victim of a Police-FBI Conspiracy?

Judi Bari

The ‘Solution’ to Pollution Is Still ‘Dilution’

Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters (C-SAW)Nearly 30 years after passage of the Clean Water Act (CWA), toxic industrial and municipal wastes are still being dumped into our rivers, streams,...

Gershon Cohen

Positive Notes

Rodeos Ridden Out of TownPasadena Councilmember Paul Little stated: “Causing pain, injury, and death to animals is not entertaining. We won’t profit from it and we won’t allow it o...

EI Staff

Up in Smoke

Was Britain's response to foot-and-mouth disease a case of 'overkill'?

George Monbiot

Oil, Gas and Native Rights

Boreal Footprint Project “As a grand finale to the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien and President George Bush began to negotiate a continental e...

Chanda Meek

Are Genetically Altered Foods The Answer to World Hunger?

The Monsanto Roundup - Book Excerpt: The Food Revolution

John Robbins