Mangrove Action Project

Mangrove Action Project Brazil contains the world’s second largest mangrove area - estimatessuggest that over a million hectares of mangrove forest are found alongBrazil’s extensive coa...

Alfredo Quarto

The greenhouse diet

You may be familiar with the dangers of climate disruption as a result of human-induced increases of carbon dioxide (CO2)and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But recent scientificdiscoveries ...

David Seaborg

From the editor

I told myself this issue’s note from the editor wouldn’t mention the US president. Even we at the Earth Island Journal do get tired of paying attention to bad news, after all: I planned t...

Chris Clarke

Friendship with Uganda

City Talk Entebbe, population 90,000, is a pleasant, green city on the edge ofUganda’s Lake Victoria, site of a world-famous botanic garden. It isalso the former seat of the Ugandan governmen...

Nicola Swinburne

Balancing on a turtle’s back

Eachyear, on a few dark nights in a secluded cove of Panama’s AzueroPeninsula, thousands of olive ridley sea turtles emerge from thePacific Ocean to lay their eggs in the sand. Each one, out of ...

James Barsimantov

Local News from All Over

AFRICA Parks congress focuses on protected areas The fifth World Parks Congress - this year themed “Benefits BeyondBoundaries” - took place in Durban in early September. Two thou...

EI Staff

ReThink Paper

ReThink Paper For the past two years, ReThink Paper has participated in “The PaperCampaign,” targeting the Staples company to improve its environmentalpolicy. Efforts included more than...

Nancy Hurwitz

Fueling tensions with water

It may or may not be true that the ongoing war in Iraq is about oil;the jury, it seems, is still out. But oil certainly played some role inthe conflict, if only as a voice in President Bush’s da...

Piers Moore Ede

Earth Island Project Reports

The Boreal Footprint Project has published a new report entitled “Aboriginal Experiences in Canada’sParks and Protected Areas.” The report was commissioned to contributeto the combin...

EI Staff

Everybody’s got a story

courtesy Veronica EadyImaginebeing so dedicated to a cause that you’d consider a 3,000-mile commute.For the past five years, Veronica Eady has done just that. Several times a year, Eady tre...

Audrey Webb


Deep-sea corals are perhaps the most vulnerable to bottom trawling of all forms of marine life.

Ted Danson

International Marine Mammal Project

Some progress at IWC

Mark J. Palmer

Baja’s beleaguered beaches

Will an ill-considered mega-tourism development plan end a traditional way of life?

Tony Moats

The 2003 Brower Youth Awards Ceremony

Brower Youth Awards ©Daniel Lee/DKL Images www.dklimages.comFourgenerations of environmental leaders attended the 2003 Brower YouthAwards ceremony on September 25 in Berkeley, California. Davi...

Mikhail Davis

Silent towers, empty skies

©Munir Virani/The Peregrine Fund On the round-the-world trip chronicled in his book Following the Equator,Mark Twain stopped off in Bombay (now known as Mumbai) and, as part ofthe standard t...

Joe Eaton

In review

One No, Many Yeses: A Journey to the Heart of the Global Resistance Movement Paul Kingsnorth, Simon & Schuster UK, 2003, $18.00 US (approx.:not released in US. Order online through mcnallyrob...

Audrey Webb

Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters

C-SAW While mega-cruise ships may conjure up images of romance and five-starservice, they also pollute our water and air, evade taxes, paysubstandard wages, and lobby around the democratic process....

Gershon Cohen

Cancún diary

Opposition from the world's poorest countries derails the World Trade Organization's Fifth Ministerial Meeting

Tom Turner

Disease threatens spoonbills in Taiwan

SAVE International ©SAVE Int’lLastwinter, 73 black-faced spoonbills died of botulism in Taiwan. About 50birds had already died before the cause of the disease could beidentified. Local o...

Derek Schubert

Book reviews

Another World is Possible: Popular Alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum William F. Fisher, Thomas Ponniah eds.; Zed Books, 2003 $19.95 Good News for a Change: How Everyday Peo...

Audrey Webb