Bay Area International Development Organizations

by Martin Witte, BAIDO Program Coordinator Working with Chinese environmentalistsNGOs in the Bay Area International Development Organizations (BAIDO)network are working with grassroots organization...

Martin Witte, BAIDO Program Coordinator

Bush: the environmental record

There’s no longer even the pretense of even-handedness in the White House

David Helvarg


Peter D.Ward is one of maybe a dozen leading scholars of the Permianextinction. Despite being an able popularizer, always anathema toscientists who cannot write, he is a sober-sided and carefulresearc...

Chris Clarke

Safe Food and Fertilizer

Forfive years, one small-town housewife-turned-mayor and four farmers –each suffering health problems caused by industrial wastes – workeddiligently and cooperatively to unravel one of the fertilize...

Patty Martin

Camisea in the Amazon

The indigenous Machiguenga of Peru’'s Amazon Basin face off against the fossil fuel industry

Marisa Handler

To the Earth Island Journal

Biodiesel Your story, “Make Fries, Not War!”may have left readers with the impression that biodiesel is illegal inCalifornia, which simply isn’t the case. Biodiesel is legal as both afuel and fuel...

EI Staff

UniversitÁrea Protegida

Afterseveral months of living and working in various campo sites (ruralcommunities) in Nicaragua, UÁP students reunited in a conference inlate August. They shared experiences of relationships m...

EI Staff

The Seaweed Rebellion

Our oceans are in deep trouble and we must immediately take a fresh approach to ensure their survival.

Drew Weiner

Local News from All Over

AFRICAToyotarization in North Africa Atthe International Geographical Congress 2004 in Glasgow, Scotland onAugust 19, desert expert Andrew Goudie presented new research thatshows an alarming increase...

EI Staff

Everyone’s got a story

OlinCohan loves his job. “I love that my occupation doesn’t feel like anoccupation,” he says. “I love the time that I get to spend in some ofthe most beautiful and remote areas...

Sara Knight

Why Wolves in Colorado?

WhenI was a girl, I loved all things wild. I loved roaming the forestbehind our house and the meadows that surrounded our farm. And when I was a girl, my mother taught me to love wolves. In the late‘...

Anne Rohrer

Earth Island project reports

At the recent XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok, Global Service Corps (GSC) Executive Director Rick Lathrop presented the Seeds of SurvivalPartnership Program. Through this program, GSC supp...

EI Staff

Hydro Nova

Hydro Novabrings innovative methods for dealing with wastewater to areas thatlack sewer systems. In California about 1.2 million households use onsite systems, which may pollute groundwater if not pro...

Bob Feinbaum

Polly Strand’‘s Activist Life

EIImember Polly Strand was one of the earliest and most passionateactivists for animal rights and human health. More than a decade agoshe testified before the California legislature about the Universi...

EI Staff

Brower Youth Awards

If there is a bright spot in four years of darkness under the Bush administration’s destructive environmental policies, it is the young activists who have stepped forward to challenge them. T...

EI Staff

International Marine Mammal Project

2004 International Whaling CommissionThis year’s International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Sorrento, Italy, brought the long-simmering issue of vote-buying to a boil. Japanin particular ha...

EI Staff

Farming Under Fire

Palestinian farmers contend with war, enforced drought, and the Separation Wall

Kate Rogers Gessert

Reef Protection International

Oceanconservation has become a hot topic. With the release of two majorreports on the status of ocean health from the Pew Commission and theUS Commission on Ocean Policy, there is growing consensus th...

Drew Weiner

WMDs in Our Backyards

The toxic legacy of lewisite

Pandy R. Sinish and Joel A. Vilensky

Salt in an Island’s Wounds

Squatters Guddy and Kai Birkigt fight to deflect a trend of human and natural resource exploitation.

Emily Lynette Laughnan