Silicon Valley Beats Texas Oil

There’s no question that for those of us committed to environmental sanity and social justice the November mid-term elections were a disappointing setback. The Republican Party has always been i...

Jason Mark

International Marine Mammal Project

Save Japan Dolphins Goes Global

Mark J. Palmer

Atomic Energy: Climate Fix… or Folly?

Nuclear vs. Renewables


My Month Without Monsanto

Early this year I embarked on a challenging and unforgettable journey. I ventured into the dark reaches of my kitchen cabinets, the depths of my vegetable drawer, and the cobweb-covered corners of my ...

April Dávila

Letters & E-mails

Plenty of ProteinAs letter-writer Jen Williams pointed out in reference to your story about the environmental impacts of eating meat (“What’s for Dinner?,” Spring), vegetarians can e...


South Coast Habitat Restoration

Trout Triumph


Nuclear Power is Safe, Sound …and Green

Since he first published the seminal Whole Earth Catalog in 1968, Stewart Brand has been a leading thinker about how to create an ecologically sustainable society. More recently, he has been encouragi...

Stewart Brand

Silicon Valley Beats Texas Oil


Jason Mark

Local News from All Over

AfricaAsia EuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth AmericaAfrica The Road Less TraveledBen CombeeAccording to a coalition of international scientists, a highway proposed for the Serengeti National Park, ...


Viva Sierra Gorda

Put a Roof on It


Nuclear Nonsense

Dubbed one of the world’s 100 Most Influential People by TIME, physicist Amory Lovins has spent 40 years integrating radical energy efficiency with renewable supply. He is cofounder, chairman, a...

Amory B. Lovins

Notes from a Warming World

China Leads Green Energy Race A recently report by Vivid Economics, a London consulting firm, surprised some people with the news that China is leading the race for clean energy. Cleantech analysts...


Project Coyote

Ban Coyote Bounties!


Bill McKibben

Nancie Battaglia Journalist, author, and activist Bill McKibben, by all rights, should be an egomaniac. He graduated from Harvard, where he was the editor of the university’s acclaimed Crimso...

Amy Westervelt

Confessions of a Federal Freeloader

You’ve heard of me but we’ve never met, even though I’ve been part of America’s “power elite” for 60 years. You might call me one of the original Baby Boomers. But ...

Gar Smith

Cold Comfort

illustration by Becca thorne, DecemberWhen we first moved up here, I used to believe that the people I heard complaining about winter’s length, and particularly winter&...

Rick Bass

Hasta La Victoria Siempre

Residents of Vieques Pushed Out the US Navy After 60 Years of Bombing. A Sick Population Now Fights for Redress.

Jacob Wheeler

Borneo Project

Logging’s Ill-Gotten Gains Hidden in Plain Sight


Homeward Bound

Joe Riis

Mary Catherine O'Connor

Green Film Is Good Film

A Preview of the San Francisco Green Film Festival

Amy Westervelt

Bay Localize

Clean Power Healthy Communities


Lost In the Valley of Excess

California’s wealthiest growers, poorest workers, and the water between them…

John Gibler

Mind over Matter

The Watchman’s Rattle: Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction
By Rebecca Costa
334 pages, VanGuard Press, 2010

Amy Westervelt


Who’s to Blame for the Impasse in Global Climate Talks?

Tom Athanasiou

Center for Safe Energy

Bravo Bodrov


Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation

Can a new group of young environmental leaders reinvigorate greens’ grassroots spirit?

Jason Mark

Battle Royale

The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth
by Eric Pooley
496 pages, Hyperion, 2010

Richard Graves

Under the Eternal Sky

Multinational mining hordes eye Mongolia’s Earthly fortunes

Brian Awehali