Women’s Earth Alliance

Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) empowers women’s leadership to protect our environment, end the climate crisis, and ensure a just, thriving world. Since 2006, WEA has catalyzed more than 52,000 women-led environmental justice projects in 31 countries, ensuring health, safety, economic stability, educational opportunities, and wellbeing for millions of people — all while proliferating life-saving solutions like safe water and sanitation, food security, clean energy, waste management, and reforestation. WEA invests in and equips grassroots women leaders with the technical tools, entrepreneurial skills, financial resources, and networks of support they need to scale their solutions for change: because when grassroots women leaders take action to prevent environmental destruction and build healthier and more climate resilient communities, real transformation takes root.

Location: Berkeley, California

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Director(s): Amira Diamond, Melinda Kramer, Kahea Pacheco
Address: c/o Earth Island Institute, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704