The Worst Environment Money Can Buy
A special report on the environmental pollutant called money in politics
Several Journal Writers

Feature Articles

A River of Money Runs Through It

Chris van Es, America is under assault from a deadly, insidious, and persistent pollutant. This pernicious contaminant threatens our health, safety, and way of life. Its noxious ...

Annie Leonard

Money to Burn

Oil and Gas Interests Are Spending Big to Keep Their Allies in Office

Sharon Kelly

Cash for Trash (Not for Compost)

The Country’s Largest Garbage Company is Lobbying to Repeal State Laws that Boost Composting

Jason Mark

Shut Up Money

Big Ag is Pushing Laws to Silence its Critics

Maureen Nandini Mitra

Citizens United Against Citizens United

A Movement Is Building to Amend the Constitution

Rikki Ott

We’ve Been Here Before

American History Offers a Hopeful Lesson in Checking Corporate Power

Ted Nace

Weird Science

The Promise and Peril of Synthetic Biology

Jeff Conant

The Rise and Fall of the East Sand Empire

On the Columbia River, Conservation Biologists Find that Whatever Can Go Wrong, Will

Eric Wagner

Hunt, Fish… and Save the Planet

Greens with Guns: How can the values of hunters and anglers fit within an environmentalist ethic?

James Card

To Our Readers

Pay to Play

In a move that immediately became irresistible fodder for late night comics and editorial cartoonists, the Republican-controlled North Carolina Legislature this summer approved a law that bars state a...

Jason Mark


Politics and Plutocrats: a Parade of Inequality

America is currently engaged in the most expensive presidential contest in world history. In the United States, money doesn’t just talk – it dictates. How can we hope to make progress on the path ...

Gar Smith

Earth Island Reports

Climate Wise Women

Speaking Truth to Power

Tracy Mann

Brower Youth Awards: Meet the 2012 Winners!

Meet the 2012 Winners!

Journal Staff

1000 Words

What is in a Name?

Douglas Gayeton’s Lexicon of Sustainability

Journal Staff


Up in the Air over Flying

There’s no getting around it – flying is the single most carbon intensive activity an individual can undertake. The global aviation industry is responsible for nearly 5 percent of all emis...

Get Comfortable on the Horns of this Dilemma

+Jeff Greenwald is executive director of Ethical Traveler, an Earth Island-sponsored project that seeks to use the economic clout of tourism to protect human rights and the environment. His travel wri...

Flying Less Is about Environmental and Social Equity

-John Stewart, author of Why Noise Matters, has been a transport and environmental activist for the past 30 years. He chaired the coalition of organizations that defeated plans for a third runway at L...


Raj Patel

Raj Patel is no fan of messiahs and iconic leaders. “One bright shining light is dangerous,” says the writer, activist, and academic who was once mistaken as the savior of humankind by an obscure ...

Maureen Nandini Mitra

In Review

Unseen Landscapes

The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot
By Robert Macfarlane
Hamish Hamilton, 2012, 448 pages

Adam Federman

Captive Time Bombs

Death at SeaWorld: Shamu and the Dark Side of Killer Whales in Captivity
by David Kirby,
St. Martin’s Press, 2012, 469 pages

Mark J Palmer


Reclaiming the Wilderness

I can still recall the memory with total clarity: I was afraid that the wind would lift me off the ground and carry me over the edge of the world. I knew if I let go of my parents’ hands, I would lo...

Shelton Johnson

Talking Points

Local News from All Over | Autumn 2012

Around the World

Journal Staff

Notes from a Warming World | Autumn 2012

Temperature Gauge

Journal Staff