The End For Elephants?
Gangsters use poachers to make a killing in the ivory trade. What can stop the bloodshed?
Tristan McConnell

Feature Articles

Blue Revolution

Entrepreneurs are hailing seaweed as a potential “miracle crop.” Could seaweed farming help lift coastal communities out of poverty?

Michael Holtz

Smooth Operators

Southeast Asia is a haven for ivory smugglers. For now, government efforts to stop the flow of contraband fall short.

Mike Ives

A Silk Road To Community Prosperity

The revival of wild silk in one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots is helping to protect forest areas by improving the economic situation of local people.

Brian Barth

Hiding in Plain Sight

In San Francisco’s Chinatown, and online, ivory carvings are easy to buy.

Jason Mark

To Our Readers

Blood Ivory

In mid-April a northern white rhinoceros named “Sudan” was placed under 24-hour armed guard at Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Sudan is one of a kind – literally. He is the only remaining male ...

Jason Mark

Digging Deeper

In the Marrow of Our Bones

On March 20, scientists from 11 countries convened by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer released their unanimous conclusions about the world’s most used h...

Anna Lappé

Earth Island Reports

Protecting One of the Great Wildlife Reserves on Earth

Serengeti Watch

Boyd Norton

Missouri Supreme Court Decision Is a Victory for Solar Industry

Renew Missouri

Elizabeth Gower

1000 Words

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Gregg Segal: 7 Days of Garbage

Journal Staff


The Ivory Market: Keep It Closed, or Open It Up?



Robert Bullard

In 1978, Dr. Robert Bullard was pulled into what would become, thanks to his efforts, the field of environmental justice. Conducting research for a lawsuit filed by his wife, he discovered that most o...

Zoe Loftus-Farren

In Review

The Fog of Memory

The Beautiful Unseen: Variations on Fog and Forgetting
By Kyle Boelte
Soft Skull Press, 2015, 156 pages

Jason Mark

SeaWorld’s in Deep Water

Beneath the Surface: Killer Whales, SeaWorld, and the Truth Behind Blackfish
by John Hargrove with Howard Chua-Eoan
Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, 264 pages

Mark J Palmer


Scientists Are Citizens, Too

We had just recently moved to Seattle when my wife, one-year-old son, and I were invited to a neighbor’s house for a barbeque. It was a warm summer evening, and I got to talking to our neighbor’s ...

Joshua Lawler

Talking Points

Talking Points : Summer 2015

News in Brief

Journal Staff